Siku moja kabla ya Christmas ikiwa ni tarehe 24 jioni, Justin Bieber
alidondosha tweet iliyowastua wengi ikiwa na maneno “My beloved
beliebers I’m officially retiring.” kabla ya kufollow tweet hiyo baadae
na message iliyosomeka “I’m never leaving you.” Sasa hii inahusu nini
hasa ukizingatia alion-tweet hivi wakati ambao bado haja-release muvi
yake ya “Justin Bieber’s Believe”?
Tom Ortenberg, ambaye ni CEO wa Open Road Films aliongea na jarida la
Speakeasy na kusema kwamba tweet ile ilikuwa haihusiani chochote na
masuala ya marketing ya muvi ya Bieber.Pia Scott Manson,ambaye ni CEO wa
Scooter Braun Projects, entertainment company inayofanya kazi nyingi
sana na Bieber, amesema kuwa kwa asilimia mia moja Bieber hastaafu
masuala ya muziki na tayari ana mipango ya kurudi studio mapema mwakani
kwa ajili ya projects nyingi mpya.
“Justin is a hard working 19 year old who would prefer that his
recent fundraising work in the Philippines and the considerable amount
raised for the cause be the media’s focus more than the recent reporting
on him retiring.
Regarding his recent tweeting about his “retirement” Justin felt that this was the best way to respond to the latest in a long line of inaccurate or wildly exaggerated media reports about him. He chose to channel his frustration into playing along with this baseless rumor and even used “beloved” to tip off his core fans that it wasn’t real. But within 20 minutes, Justin realized that fans were confused by the media reports and clarified that he was kidding. This wasn’t a planned stunt, it was just another day in the life of living under the microscope. Justin loves his fans and understands that this scrutiny comes along with his success and the interest in him from fans and media.”
Regarding his recent tweeting about his “retirement” Justin felt that this was the best way to respond to the latest in a long line of inaccurate or wildly exaggerated media reports about him. He chose to channel his frustration into playing along with this baseless rumor and even used “beloved” to tip off his core fans that it wasn’t real. But within 20 minutes, Justin realized that fans were confused by the media reports and clarified that he was kidding. This wasn’t a planned stunt, it was just another day in the life of living under the microscope. Justin loves his fans and understands that this scrutiny comes along with his success and the interest in him from fans and media.”
Kwa mwaka huu video yake ya mwisho ni hii hapa aliyoiachia tarehe 2 mwezi huu wa kumi na mbili:-